Recently Added Paintings
These images have found themselves to the website all together, but they actually come from several spurts of painting over the past couple years. All are 11″x14″, except one (Bill and Jack’s), which is 20″x26″.
30% Chance of Rain
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Above the River
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Backyard Reveries, September
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Bill & Jack's, Sunset #2
Oil on canvas, 20x26
Cass Park
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Chautauqua #1
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Eight Shapes
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Goldenrod on Sandbank Road
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Lingering Mist
Oil on canvas, 11x14
October Sun, Melting Frost
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Path between Stalks
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Porches, Chautauqua
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Sandbank Road
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Taughannock Creek
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Thunderstorm Warning
Oil on canvas, 11x14
70% Chance of Rain
Oil on canvas, 11x14
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